Fresh lemon juice with warm water, first thing in the morning

Freshly squeezed lemon juice (about half a lemon) with one cup of lukewarm water first thing in the morning, is SUPER good for your health, and I try to incorporate it into my routine as much as possible.  Sometimes I forget, or go through a phase where I stop, however I am building myself up to doing it every morning, all the time!

Here are some reasons why it is so good for you;

  • It cleanses the liver – so many people have issues with their liver, and drinking lemon juice with water is one step you can take to benefit your liver
  • Clear skin – lemon aids the process of clearing your skin, it is obviously not the only thing and there are many factors involved, however again, it is one step that you can take towards having healthier skin
  • Balance your pH levels and possibly lose weight – outside of your body, lemon is acidic, however once consumed, it becomes alkaline, which means that it helps to create an environment inside your body that makes it easier to lose weight
  • Boost your immune system – we all need something in our lifestyle and diet that boosts immune system, and this is such an easy thing to do
  • Acts as a diuretic, which means that it encourages the production of urine, which means that toxins are released from your body at a faster rate, which is absolutely good news for you!

Sometimes I juice half a lemon fresh every morning, otherwise I prepare a weeks worth of lemon juice and combine it with lukewarm water in the morning right before drinking it, I would recommend that you use fresh lemon, since I really believe that everything fresh is better.