How to get a good nights sleep, especially if you normally experience insomnia

Something that I find difficult, is to sleep easily if my routine and sleep times keep changing.  There are various other things in my routine that I have also incorporated;

  • Try to sleep at the same time each night
  • Don’t eat after 7pm (if you do keep it light – so no heavy carbs etc)
  • Have a warm cup of milk about 30 minutes before sleeping, milk aids sleep but it also fills your stomach, so that you aren’t waking from an empty and hungry stomach
  • Limit your television watching, especially later at night, or any other kind of electronic equipment such as laptops/computers/ipad or music devices
  • Do anything that calms you down, so you may listen to music that relaxes you mentally and physically, this may contradict with not using any electronic device, however if it calms you then it may be OK
  • Do some light yoga moves, say about 5 minutes or so, or some light stretching
  • Meditation also helps, anything to calm the mind and make the body feel tired enough to get a good nights sleep
  • If you find that you wake around 4am, you may be waking because of hunger, I usually drink milk 30 minutes before sleeping to prevent this, you may have something else you can eat or drink that will fill you enough to sleep – yup your body needs a tiny bit of energy to cary out the function of sleeping

If you have any of your own tips to share about sleeping well throughout the night feel free to share your comments below!